My name is James Hutchinson McGill and this is my personal project. Growing up I fell in love with stories. At one point, I started writing for myself off and on since High School. I have always wanted to try to make it a living, but I was not sure whether I was any good. So I have decided to make this web site my creative project.
Between 2000 and 2017 I put myself through college and gained three degrees and One certification: B.S. in Marketing, AAS in Web Design, AAS in Graphic Design and I am certified in Basic Digital Photography. Now I am going to make a go at this. I am taking the incomplete as well as the complete stories I have written since high school and I am going to bring that world to life on this site.
I am not saying I am good at any of this. If I was, I would not still be working in retail as my day job. But I have been wanting to create my own world for people’s enjoyment since forever…metaphorically of course. I am not a very good artist but I am a decent photographer.
The plan is to take the stories I have created, rewrite them, polish them and then post them. Plus create new ones as well as take people, places, and things from my world and create digital representations of them. So in the coming year, you will see photographs, menus, business cards, packaging, and anything else I can make using my photography and graphic design skills to help show you what this world, that has been rattling around in my brain, looks like.
So I hope you guys come back each time I post. I will not have comments available on this site. But, you can let me know what you think on Twitter and Facebook. This site will also improve, in the design department, as more content is created. So welcome to my project and I hope you keep coming back and letting me know what you think.
James H. McGill